MAGnet Gun Caddy Home - A Smarter Way to Rest Your Gun - Secure It!-18


August 1, 2008

Magnet Gun Caddy
A Smarter Way to Rest Your Gun™

Portable Magnet Gun Rack
Designed for hunters getting ready to go or returning from the field,
the Magnet Gun Caddy provides a smarter way to rest a gun when you
need to temporarily set it down. It protects the hunter’s gun and vehicle!

Strong, Lightweight and Compact
The Magnet Caddy is small enough to fit in your pocket.
Made of the highest quality of materials available –
You’ll be sure to have everyone’s attention, as you gather
to share stories of a successful days hunt.
Plus! Even expands metal gun locker holding capacity.                                                                Back

SpecTech, Inc.



Don't Rest Your Gun like this! Use the MAGnet Gun Caddy



Use the MAGnet Gun Caddy as a staging point in and ourt of your gun safe


North American Hunting Club seal of Approval for the Magnet Gun Caddy



The MAGnet Gun Caddy - Made In USA! 


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